@Saurabh @[deleted] @soodomaa @BiswajitNandi Please why is paystack not showing on the checkout page. I noticed this too on Foodomaa's Demo Website
Could you share the screenshot for the same?
For My Website. It wasn't showing before. so my tawk chat widget isn't blocking it
This is on foodomaa demo website. same thing
Saurabh I don't know if my discovery is correct. I will attach the code screenshots. The one above is for paystack. I can't find any div class controlling the img attributes. as compared to flutterwave attached below
Saurabh Here is the one for flutterwave !
PayStack has a custom block for payment button for which the image couldn't be shown. Paypal also has the similar thing.
But other payment gateways doesn't have any kind of restrictions like this.