Having 100 stores and having to switch them off for about 30 minutes for a quick maintenance is a mission.
It would be good to have 1 toggle switch that switches all stores off and then toggle to switch them back on.
A simple SQL query will do the work for you.
UPDATE restaurants SET is_active = '0';
Just run this on your phpmyadmin after selecting your database.
For enabling all, replace 0 with 1 in the same sql query
Awesome. A switch would be nice though so that employees will not have access to the database
hi, i have this master on/off =)
Please share with the community and also do let us know if it can be done on regular or extended only. If you would like to sell it, let us know where we can test it.
Designer01abc This can easily be done with the regular license. (Anything related to admin/stores/api/auth can be done with regular license) You only need an extended license when you need to make any changes on the customer/delivery app.
I have noted this, and will be adding to the next release 2.9. https://trello.com/c/ILaGc87A
Saurabh Brother, i hope you have added many things on current update please release ASAP since many useful feature you have already done but not yet release. Thanks for your understanding!
sir @Saurabh do u need that code? i can send u for free sir.
surya90 I have already posted the code in this thread. Thanks anyways.
To enable/disable all stores go to https://yourwebsite.com/public/admin/utility