I did it here https://i.li-in.ru/
STREAMTRADE Hello friend, in which file is the code integrated?
JORGEPEREZCUEVA @STREAMTRADE It would be great help if you could share the code...
JORGEPEREZCUEVA como es el link de tu app? se agradable visualmente how is you link app ? please
There is nothing complicated there, register and create the desired notification, in the settings you can specify on which page to show it and how long, then you will have access to the embed code, you can add it to index.html
STREAMTRADE it won't work on mobile devices its only working on desktops
STREAMTRADE can you please send me the link where i can do these all..?
Abishekoffcial Everything works great, carefully look at the notification settings, there is a switch on which devices to show the banner.
Abishekoffcial An example of how a notification works
alabtechnosoft https://i.li-in.ru/
STREAMTRADE Brother, where i can customize image,etc
How to use, i don't understand this.
STREAMTRADE yeah its working thanks brother
alabtechnosoft index.html page find head within the head paste same code
Gopalkumar this works with regular license?
JoelAraujoR contactate conmigo a jpcuevita@gmail.com
mars yes
STREAMTRADE where i can the notification icon;
STREAMTRADE I tried this, but it pop-ups in every refresh.
alabtechnosoft Edit
STREAMTRADE Its showing only these
[Image removed]