Hi iam from a small city, kindly give me some tips to start my first journey.
MridulSaikia Yes, we need some guidance what paper we need to start business in India
It's better if you ask for guidance from people who actually are running successful businesses using Foodomaa in India.
Let me tag them here
@NikhilJain @TitozzTitozz @SandeepDalai @neituosem
Gopalkumar I would suggest read case studies of different apps.
Hi NikhilJain can you give me some reference link. Hi have seen some of us running successful business with Foodoma. Thanks
@MridulSaikia Moi Guwahati based hoi apuni bhalke janibo bisarile muk contact koribo pare. I can help you with few tips
GitarthaChoudhury English please 🙂
Hello GitarthaChoudhury how can i contact you?
Saurabh Sorry hard to see someone who belong to my state. Hahahahaha Sorry totally forgot about the Language thing.....:-)
MridulSaikia Kindly watsapp me +91-7002380495
I would love to share some Ideas. If you run a business or Just starting lets talk +55 17 9 8837 0458 Whatsapp