Dear all my belove here! Thanks to @[deleted] always answer my Questions!
Now I face with one manifest.json creation, Please help me How to create merchant-minifest.json, Because I need for my merchant, he want to install icon automatic into his devices, Now I face on this problem when I go to meet a merchan and pusuate him to use my website food delivery. Please give me if possible asap!
Bellow my copying files and edit named from delivery-manifest.json to merchant-manifest.json, then past as like this:
"short_name": "Website Name",
"name": "Website Name Merchant",
"scope": "/",
"start_url": "/public",
"display": "standalone",
"theme_color": "#000",
"background_color": "#ffffff",
------------------------------------ When I did like this already, but it did not show the installing icon in the browser nothing! Please guide me and give me more idea to create it!
Thank you every body here so much in advance!