Call And Order Module 2 cases,
1) if platform admin allows restaurants with access to customers then restaurants get access to entire customers base.. i mean all the customers on platforms .. bit risky.. my personal thought
2) if platform owner only allow restaurants to place guest orders then restaurant can place order with customer mobile number but customer's mobile number should not be allready registered user with platform. Still its fair.. but normally users call the restaurant and they punch in orders so customers might call next day for second day for another order but restaurant owner will not be able to place order because customer's mobile is allready entered yesterday.. ideally for guest orders should be allowed to have duplicates phone number else restaurants will not be able to place second order from same customer.. even customer has ordered on call from one restaurant in past then he will not be able to place order with second restaurant as guest( from call and order module)
Hope my understanding about module is right.. feel free to correct me guys..
NikhilJain @Saurabh @[deleted]