Hi all,

As many of us are using WhatsaApp notification, i have found a cheaper alternative to use Whatsapp API.


They have a well documented postman collection too so anyone can get a desired code and put it wherever they want to use.

    Harshal changed the title to Found cheaper alternative to wassenger for WhatsApp notification.

    XpertH I mentioned cheaper alternative to wassenger as some of us are using it. Even this module has wassenger integration so the creator of this module may also benefit from it.

      I don't benefit for integrating wassenger and callmebot gateway.
      I know most people using callmebot and wassenger, it is simply for smooth transition reason.
      What if I don't offer ability to use callmebot and wassenger gateway in my module? I will loose those people as my customers.

      To be honest with you, 100% people using my modules moved from callmebot and wassenger to my own wabot gateway.
      Why? because:

      1. It is FREE, no monthly subscription!
      2. Wabot gateway is FAST! NO fancy Animation and NO fancy framework, just simple old NATIVE PHP.
      3. Wabot gateway source code available (for sale) if you decided to have more control of the gateway.

      The demo gateway site is available for testing.
      user: admin
      pass: admin
      please add your whatsapp number in the "settings" menu, then scan with your whatsapp app with your mobile phone.
      you can test with GET or POST method (click on the REST API Code button) copy paste the codes to your browser (GET method) just the https until the apikey to see it works.
      There is a GUI test too if you go to "Send Message" menu.

      I hope you can join us to use wabot gateway soon.

        Arrocy I completely agree with you. Its just that I found cheaper alternative to wassenger and for the benefit of community i posted it here. In case any one wants to use it.

        After reading carefully, I get what you mean now. I am sorry I was miss-interpret what you are trying to say.

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