My app shows a white screen on my previous customers, they have to manually clear their cache from Chrome. Kindly suggest fast
animehouse I have the same issue, it is showing white screen
NatsakharLik I don't think so
same issue but some device
maybe it's ssl certificate problem , there is a new update let's encrypt certificate is not trusted by old devices
KarthikKanumolu check console on your chrome browser on your PC. (Right click on website > Inspect > Console) then reload the page and see if there is any error.
Saurabh Got this error
Uncaught FirebaseError: Messaging: The public VAPID key did not equal 65 bytes when decrypted. (messaging/public-vapid-key-decryption-failed). at t.usePublicVapidKey (36.78c978ff.chunk.js:1) at Object.<anonymous> (main.0f429e22.chunk.js:1) at s ((index):1) at Module.<anonymous> (main.0f429e22.chunk.js:1) at s ((index):1) at Object.<anonymous> (main.0f429e22.chunk.js:1) at s ((index):1) at u ((index):1) at Array.e [as push] ((index):1) at main.0f429e22.chunk.js:1
animehouse in Admin > Settings > Push notification settings make sure the Web Push Certificate and Server key are correctly set.
If you donot set it correctly, you will get an error.