nesse mesmo arquivo no finada pagina na ultima linha eu coloquei o que aparece para o lojista poder falar com o suporte direto pelo painel
coloque o código do na ultima linha de numero 558
FabricioBottassi 😅 como você colocou o chat? pode compartilhar o css? vlw
leonardoisrael20 obrigado por compartilha além de você me ajuda a personalizar o meu painel vc conseguiu me ajuda sobre o chat direto com o lojista .
@JoelAraujoR bro can you share the static page? or where you buy?
Dear All, Can anyone help me to insert this image on bottom of my customer application which will give some good looking feel once they scroll down all the restaurants like below screenshot.
alabtechnosoft link which site
Can anyone....??
alabtechnosoft yes i can
JosueMolina This customization is so Great! can anyone share the code please? thank you
JohnPaulMayuga That's mostly done by editing the react source code. If you have an extended license, the possibilities are unlimited.
Saurabh Thanks Got it!
Rafa This full customisation is awesome...can anyone share me the code
Hey, I have made these customizations
If anyone needs me please mail me on or Whatsapp me on +916238784731
mwsoofy show an example
KalMendes, are sites done by me and my team. We are also launching a Logistics Automation Solution you can reach me at
mwsoofy I want to test the sites you have an address to see the restaurants thank you especially
mwsoofy you don't answer my emails
Ablie you can contact me by mail
Ablie we need extended license here?
KalMendes Was on vacation dear, check your mail