GitarthaChoudhury Don't you think you shouldn't put your nose in other people's business?
It's a public forum and people should know what to ask! Do something like this and more people will ask more stupid questions, wasting time and resources on development because the author is busy answering these types of questions. It's not called being rude, it's called giving proper answers to those who don't have common sense. They are paying doesn't mean they have bought the author. Hope you understand this, being a developer yourself.
JonVazMad It wasn't directed to you but unfortunately, you invited yourself into it with this. Why should he state what files are changed? What if he changes 100 files, will he state to you specifically what files are changed just for your comfort for not wanting to manage customizations yourself and depend upon spoonfeeding by other people at their expense? You should know how to manage a project and customizations. It's not the responsibility of an author if you have changed something.
I understand it's a public forum, but please refrain from asking such things which is solely under your responsibility.