in Admin, Adding delivery type column to orders, will allow us to be able to differentiate which orders where delivery and which were pickup
Admin> Orders > Columns
- Add Delivery type in the columns, it will help different which delivery type an order is
in Admin, Adding a delivery report to be able to see how many orders were pickups or delivery, this will help with payouts.
Admin> Reports
- Add Reports section
- Move Reports in it and rename to Most sold
- Add Deliver Report (Filters = Store, delivery Type and period)
In Store Owner Profile, Adding delivery type to orders to be able to differentiate which orders where deliver and which were pickup
Store Owner> Orders > Columns
- Add Delivery type in the columns, it will help different which delivery type an order is
in Store Owner, Adding a delivery report to be able to see how many orders were pickups or delivery, this will help with payouts.
Admin> Reports
- Rename Reports to Most sold
- Add New Reports section
- Move Most sold into reports section
- Add Deliver Report (Filters = delivery Type and period)
in Store Owner, Earnings is missing a breakdown of which was by delivery and which was by pickup, and then you can say earnings before commission = delivery - pickups, because if you might not be able to collect all your pickups, then you can minus it from delivery and only payout the difference. or if the they owe you money then you can go and claim the difference.
Admin> Earnings
- two summary fields should be added (Sales by Delivery) and (Sales by pickup)
- net earnings before commission = sales by delivery - sales by pickup