Looking forward for 2.9.1.
Thank you

Saurabh please check the map Search button for Storeowner as well. I had solved this issue myself, but I think others need it.
Css issue when set requirement of detail address in welcom screen.

    • [deleted]

    Dacsanlamqua Please share the fix so it can be implemented in 2.9.1 😊

    markhoffman YES, I thought it was only for me, then I ask my delivery boy to reinstall it!! but it is not fixed yet!!

    Login screen:
    Activate login with OTP.
    The login info text needs to be replaced as well. It's misleading to enter email and password.

      sachin Please read all the documentation, you need to edit this text by your self in translations.

      Dacsanlamqua I am not able to find this issue on store owner dashboard. If you have a fix, please share that so that we can review it.

      When Restaurant owner clicks on accept order Eroor 500 is shown but the order gets accepted. Today all the Restaurant owners were complaining about this.

        BariqWani Enable development mode on your Admin > Settings > General then accept the order.
        The error message will be self-explanatory after that. Pretty sure, it's not this version-specific issue.

          SubhanShaikh Final code till now, when bugs are reported, it will be fixed in 2.9.2, 2.9.3, and so on.
          SaaS discussions will start soon on the forums.

            Saurabh please when new bug are discovered do only patches. As I’m extended user I need to pauze operations and reconfigure.

            lets hope and thanks

            Saurabh Maybe it would be a good idea to use different texts for each screen, not just the same text for both
            Something like "enter your cel phone" and "enter your OTP code"

              Carlos There are no two screens, for one website you can use only one at a time, so it doesn't make any sense to have multiple text settings for this.

                Plz have a look at this. Store owner Clicked accept button and it shows this. Auto accept is disabled. Also no one has accepted the order already

                  Saurabh Sorry, I was not referring to the screens to login with email / password or phone / otp. I thought there were two screens to enter with phone / otp, one to enter the phone number and another for the otp code.