i recently converted foodoma to apk with pwabuilder.everything is working and i put it in Google playstore and having changed the sha256 fingerprint with one google provided in the assetlinkjson im still getting the url bar.What iam doing wrong?any help is appreciated its delaying my kickoff.Thanks all
PWA to apk having chrome url
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5 days later
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RohanGaurat you mean I should have 2 sha256?i substituted the pwabuilder one with the google one.i would like your help
ibrahimismailrohan remember its the customer app im trying to convert
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ibrahimismail Yes.
Copy Sha256cert from pwabuilder and Play console. Eg. https://codeshare.io/wnZeEK
RohanGaurat Rohan if you don't mind can I get your whatsapp.im not having any head ways.Thanks
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ibrahimismail Please msg me on rohangaurat@live.com n i will share u no.