Hello sir @Saurabh and everyone,

any idea why all stores and items is not cached when using supercache module?


    surya90 it should be cached once you open and navigate to homepage and item page of any store on your customer application.

    Note: if you are using automatically store scheduling or order scheduling, the cache for items and stores it cleared every minute automatically when the cron job runs.

      Saurabh understand, but the problem is after enable supercache, none of restaurant was showed up, but when disable supercache, restaurant showed up,

      what is wrong sir?


        surya90 Cant say anything for sure for your case, because you have made many customizations on the backend.

          Saurabh i'm installing on new staging site which uploaded code with fresh installation file without putting any customization code sir there except for importing back my sql file from live site

          that's all

          any idea on which part to check?


            Saurabh thanks

            just post in support for my staging url, sorry as seem privacy to share here sir

            refer my ticket here for the new staging url link


            tq sir

              I checked your ticket.
              2904 restaurants you have. All cannot be saved to cache because of your low server memory.

              Error message: "Allowed memory size of 2147483648 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 471863296 bytes)"

                Saurabh thanks for spend time and helping out,

                is that you mention on my cpanel side at this options?

                what value should i change there?

                  surya90 How much ram do you have on your server?

                  If you have 4GB ram on your server set it to 4096

                    Hello sir @Saurabh good day to you, for info, i had enable super cache (it functioning after change to new settings )

                    but one think i'm quite confusing is after enable supercache + cloudfare + and using dedicated server, my speed of loading stores becoming longer time (measure 18.9 seconds) than using cloudfare+dedicated server (11.7 seconds)

                    this is my current setting at cloudfare side and also at server setting (i;m using php 7.3)

                    is there anything above that overlay each other functioning that lead to becoming worse on supercache?

                    can u advice me anything above to change as supercache supposed to make things becoming right functioning


                    Your response data is huge, nothing can help you with this issue unless you modify the core response that comes from the restaurant list.

                    Your restaurant list is about 3k, the response will be huge MB, the network will take a long time to transfer the data.
                    Unless you minify the response, there is nothing that will help you with this issue.

                    Cloudflare only helps in static resources (img, js, css), don't mix it with this server processing stuff.

                      5 days later

                      Saurabh understand, thanks sir

                      hopefully in next to next update will have implementation of lazy loading for store list at homepage, hehe

                      But for now, Foodoma is best than others!!

                        Saurabh I'm using Order schedule module with Supercache, then I noticed that it clears cache in every minutes.
                        is that normal? will I get the benefits of Supercache module?

                          Rahul It's not because of the Order Scheduling module, it's because you have stores that have enabled Dynamic Open/Close time setup.

                          The cache is cleared every minute to make sure the open/close actions are reflected throughout the website.
                          If we do not clear cache, and if a store is automatically turned OFF (According to their close time) then on the customer application, it will still show the store as ACTIVE.

                          In regards to whether or not you will be benefited from the SuperCache module:
                          Depends on how you consider things. If you expect many active users on your website, then YES, you will be benefited from SuperCache even if clears the cache every minute.

                          Because even if the cache is cleared every minute, in the next request it is again cached and all subsequent requests are served from the cache, not the DB. After a minute it is cleared again and cached again at the same time if a user visits the homepage/item page.

                          Hope that makes sense?

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