I have a lot of test restaurants I want to clean from my dashboard. How do I go about that?
tohnyongha Deactivate them, this will remove them from the dashboard and send them to Pending Approval Page.
@Saurabh as a zone owner i was trying to deduct amount from rider wallet after paid amount through his bank transfer, but i was getting error...? Did i missed anything...?
Zone Owner have all the rights....
alabtechnosoft I am away from my keyboard so can't check the code to confirm this, but I guess if you add view all user permission, it should work
Saurabh Yeah brother i have checked its working but as a zone owner he/she should able to access only for his particular users (delivery guy /store owner) right....???
But if give user view access he/she can able to do all the action as like admin for all the zones.....
alabtechnosoft Will create separate permission for this for future releases. https://trello.com/c/xHva43YE
Saurabh This should be specific to particular zone (Delivery Boy, Store Owner).
User wallet (If possible), we know like there are no option to separate users based on zone.
Saurabh Please provide this as a patch if possible.
alabtechnosoft This should be specific to particular zone (Delivery Boy, Store Owner).
Ofcourse it will be.
Customer wallet cannot be zone based managed as customers cannot be assigned to zones.
[deleted] patches are for bug fixes, not improvements