TarunKumar This problem is happening only and only with airtel mobile data and is happening since last 1 hour before that it was running fine. please help
The problem is with your hosting provider.
paulfos My server with digital ocean.
Give it some time, may be Airtel networks are not able to resolve the IP address of your droplet on Digital Ocean.
I hope you have checked on different devices too.
Saurabh Checked on mine too. Not working. There really is an issue but might be with network only.
Saurabh I have Tried with many devices. Only problem with Airtel Mobile data. I have also create support ticket on digital ocean... Waiting for reply from DO
Dcc If I tried with VPN server then it is running fine. But my application is not opening with airtel data without vpn server. And cannot ask the customer to run it with the VPN server. Please tell the solution to this problem as soon as possible. @[deleted] @NikhilJain Saurabh @BiswajitNandi
TarunKumar hi . Try with airtel network with VPN. If it works .then it's not server issue . It's airtel issue . This happens when airtel detects any wierd actions in the browser . It happened to me today .it ll become alright asap. It happened for my other applications too . Even the hosting dashboard didn't work.
TarunKumar Can this problem be fixed by reinstalling the code or in some other way?
TarunKumar Its working for me now. However the response is really slow. I think it'll get fixed in some time automatically. No need to install the application again.
[deleted] Application is not working again after clearing the catch
TarunKumar the issue was not with the application, as I said earlier, give it some time and it should start working again.
Airtel DNS might have some issue resolving some server IPs.
In Mobile Phone, > Go to Settings > Connections > Where you'll find Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC.
In that Go to More Connection Settings > Make sure Private DNS is OFF.
This will help you to resolve the issue.