MehboobNoori we can only let you know what's the current status of the development/testing of the store owner app.
Please try to understand how any thing is developed and released, there are many stages and many uncertainties.
Exact dates cannot be provided, hopefully will be released in a few days and it won't be released to all at once. It will be in stages, 1st day 1st 10 customers and so on.
Current Status:
Yesterday we gave the application to two customers who tested on their production website. Few feedbacks we received and it's all fixed and sorted.
Today morning I deployed new build to our test server and tested the push notification service also with socket puch service all working well.
Next steps:
- 3.5 full compatibility test for store owner app.
- Sending the full compatible v3.5 Foodomaa + store app to two production ready sites.
- Tomorrow will do bug fixes for 3.4 and integrate all changes on 3.5 and create a final build.
- More testing and bug fixes (if any)
- Monday - start releasing app one by one to all (if all goes well)
(Note: only if there are no known bugs, we will ship the app)