I am looking for a developer to create the Customer Mobile Application – Android, Delivery Partner Application – Android e Store Partner Application – Android
[deleted] Please contact me at https://t.me/hapseze
knurillaev I want to create my own, they are not selling the source code.
[deleted] I use https://codecanyon.net/item/mightyweb-flutter-for-web-to-app-convertor-admin-panel/31705226?gclid=Cj0KCQjwvqeUBhCBARIsAOdt45bJX5aMffX8CB16t-JqhyUIy510GBRI08_BbFJoehImY73HwSRd04saAlpvEALw_wcB
JonathanAlejandroRojasDavila Could you help me I have no experience with this method?
JonathanAlejandroRojasDavila does this work with push notifications?
JonathanAlejandroRojasDavila Can you please share your converted app
Can Help you to achieve this, or any other customisation, contact me on +91 6238784731 or mwsoofy@gmail.com.
Have worked with Pykin.in, Eatiko.com etc.