Hi, welcome to this post, here we learn how to generete the 3 apps for Foodomaa:
1.- Open https://appmaker.xyz/pwa-to-apk/ and paste your installation link here:

2.- Here, enter a email address and click in Create Now button

3.- Wait the app to be generated

4.- Download the Assetlinks file Very important and click in Skip and Download buttton

5.- In this step download only the source code, i dont recommend use the default keystore,
better create an own and custom alias and password.

6.- Once the source code is downloaded, we will replace the following images with high qualities ones:
/store_icon.png and /app/src/main/res/ [Folders inside] Be carefully with the dimensions

7.- Now, we will open Android Studio and open the Project (Source Code folder) and after loads, here select Project view

8.- Now, this step is really important, here we weill found the applicationId [Package Name] and hostName
8.1.- In the case of the Delivery Guy app, we have to add /delivery at the end of the hostName, and in the case of Store Owner, we have to add /public
9.- Now, in this step we have to replace the default package name with the own package name, right click on the main folder and then "Replace in Path"

And this is the end of the 1st part
In the 2nd i will teach you how to create a KeyStore and alias for your app, and how to sign
In the 3rd how to set the assetlinks for remove the title bar in the 3 apps