New Version:
Callmebot text inputs are on: Admin, Store Owner, Store Operator, and Delivery guy
Two Main ON/OFF switch (pic. whatsapp-enable): Turn ON/OFF regardless there is value or not in callmebot text input.
IF Main-switch is ON, Each that have callmebot text input filled with correct api, will get whatsapp notification.
To disable one or more user or store (remember 1 owner may have multiple stores), just erase the callmebot api from the text input. This way, if Owner X want to enable store X1, X2, X3, but disable store X4 and X5, Owner X can choose.
Store X1, X2, X3 may have the same number or different phone on each store, because they have their own text input box.
Store owner may input his own phone number on his own text input, so Owner X, store X1, X2, and X3 will receive whatsapp msg. If X1, X2, and X3 received 2 msgs each, that means Owner X received 6 messages total.
Super Admin may input his own phone number on his own text input, so Super Admin will receive whatsapp on ALL orders that come in from EVERY restaurant/store.
Delivery guy will receive whatsapp right after Store accept order.
The same setup on Owner Y, Z, and so on.
And the best thing is.... NO MODIFICATION on database structure.
Modification is on Backend PHP files, Regular license friendly.
AUTOMATIC send, no buttons to click!
I will Only show you 2 screenshots of settings, YES basically you have ALL THE FEATURES I mentioned above just with 2 settings.
Contact me!