I do not want any of my customers’ information to be shown to the shopkeeper. Like customer name address mobile no. Email ID etc.

The shopkeeper should get information only about the goods ordered by the customer and not the information of the customer.

Go to /resources/views/restaurantowner/viewOrder.blade.php

Delete these lines (153-166):

<label class="control-label no-margin text-semibold mr-1"><strong><h5 class="font-weight-bold">{{('storeDashboard.ovCustomerDetails')}}</h5></strong></label>
('storeDashboard.ovName')}}: </b> {{ $order->user->name }}</p>
<p><b>{{('storeDashboard.ovEmail')}}: </b> {{ $order->user->email }}</p>
('storeDashboard.ovContactNumber')}}: </b> {{ $order->user->phone }}</p>
@if($order->delivery_type == 1)
<p><b>{{('storeDashboard.ovAddress')}}: </b> {{ $order->address }}</p>
@if($order->user->tax_number != NULL)
('storeDashboard.ovTaxNumber')}}: </b> {{ strtoupper($order->user->tax_number) }}</p>
@if($order->order_comment != NULL)
<p><b>{{__('storeDashboard.ovCommentSuggestion')}}: </b> {{ $order->order_comment }}</p>

Save 🙂

    Saurabh changed the title to Hide customer information from the restaurant..
    a month later


    In this code delivery charges can be hide ? I just want to hide delivery charges from restaurants.

      SandeepDalai Go to /resources/views/restaurantowner/viewOrder.blade.php

      Approximately line 301 deletes

      <td class="text-left td-title">{{__('storeDashboard.ovDeliveryCharge')}}</td>
      <td class="text-right td-data"> {{ config('appSettings.currencyFormat') }}{{ $order->delivery_charge }} </td>

      Approximately line 321 replaces

      if(!is_null($order->tip_amount)) {
      $total = $order->total - $order->tip_amount;
      } else {
      $total = $order->total;
      <td class="text-left td-title"><b>{{ __('storeDashboard.ovTotal') }}</b></td>
      <td class="text-right td-data"> {{ config('appSettings.currencyFormat') }}{{ $total }} </td>
      if(!is_null($order->tip_amount)) {
      $payable = $order->payable - $order->tip_amount;
      } else {
      $payable = $order->payable;

      By that

      if(!is_null($order->tip_amount)) {
      $total = $order->total - $order->tip_amount - $order->delivery_charge;
      } else {
      $total = $order->total - $order->delivery_charge;
      <td class="text-left td-title"><b>{{ __('storeDashboard.ovTotal') }}</b></td>
      <td class="text-right td-data"> {{ config('appSettings.currencyFormat') }}{{ $total }} </td>
      if(!is_null($order->tip_amount)) {
      $payable = $order->payable - $order->tip_amount - $order->delivery_charge;
      } else {
      $payable = $order->payable - $order->delivery_charge;

      Save 🙂

        soodomaa DouglasSouza alabtechnosoft Go to /resources/views/restaurantowner/viewOrder.blade.php

        Approximately line 152 replaces

        <div class="form-group">
        <label class="control-label no-margin text-semibold mr-1"><strong><h5 class="font-weight-bold">{{('storeDashboard.ovCustomerDetails')}}</h5></strong></label>
        ('storeDashboard.ovName')}}: </b> {{ $order->user->name }}</p>
        <p><b>{{('storeDashboard.ovEmail')}}: </b> {{ $order->user->email }}</p>
        ('storeDashboard.ovContactNumber')}}: </b> {{ $order->user->phone }}</p>
        @if($order->delivery_type == 1)
        <p><b>{{('storeDashboard.ovAddress')}}: </b> {{ $order->address }}</p>
        @if($order->user->tax_number != NULL)
        ('storeDashboard.ovTaxNumber')}}: </b> {{ strtoupper($order->user->tax_number) }}</p>

        By that

        <div class="form-group">
        <label class="control-label no-margin text-semibold mr-1"><strong><h5 class="font-weight-bold">{{('storeDashboard.ovCustomerDetails')}}</h5></strong></label>
        ('Order ID')}}: </b> {{ $order->unique_order_id }}</p>
        <p><b>{{('storeDashboard.ovName')}}: </b> {{ $order->user->name }}</p>
        ('storeDashboard.ovEmail')}}: </b> {{ $order->user->email }}</p>
        <p><b>{{('storeDashboard.ovContactNumber')}}: </b> {{ $order->user->phone }}</p>
        @if($order->user->tax_number != NULL)
        ('storeDashboard.ovTaxNumber')}}: </b> {{ strtoupper($order->user->tax_number) }}</p>

        Save 🙂

        2 months later


        I also need to hide Delivery Charge and Tip from Restaurant. But the Total number will cause misunderstanding to restaurant staffs as they don't know why the Subtotal is different to Total. How can we show (only for restaurant side) the total equal to subtotal (+Tax +Store Charge if available)?

        Kindly help me. Thank you!

          JusanSG Go to resources/views/restaurantowner/viewOrder.blade.php

          Go to line 305 and put - $order->delivery_charge as in the screenshot

          Now the total will be calculated - tip - delivery

            How to exclude "Online Payment Amount (Wallet or CreditCard)"? Because our delivery guys pay Cash directly at the store when picking up the order.

            Kindly help me. Thank you.

              JusanSG delete

              @if($order->wallet_amount != NULL)
                                                  <td class="text-left td-title">{{__('storeDashboard.ovPaidWithWallet')}} {{ config('appSettings.walletName') }}</td>
                                                  <td class="text-right td-data"> {{ config('appSettings.currencyFormat') }}{{ $order->wallet_amount }} </td>


              @if($order->payable != NULL)
                                                  <td class="text-left td-title">{{ __('storeDashboard.ovPayable') }}</td>
                                                  <td class="text-right td-data"><b> {{ config('appSettings.currencyFormat') }}{{ $payable }}</b></td>

                I mean the calculation:

                Current: payable = total - wallet amount.
                In fact our shippers pay full cash to restaurant when picking the order (the restaurants don't work with Wallet, it's only working at our side).

                So, please instruct me how to keep the payable not affected by Wallet amount? (of course I will delete the Wallet Amount displaying according to your post above)?

                Thank you!

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