@Saurabh @NikhilJain @danoki Dear All, Today i bought ORDER SCHEDULE MODULE and when i started working on it i found few difficulties from the customer point of view which i can't checked as DEMO so i did my purchase.
1, 99% will not know what is this feature since anywhere else we didn't mentioned ORDER SCHEDULE (KEY WORD)
Can anyone please help me i want to show YOU CAN SCHEDULE ORDER near clock icon, hope everyone agree on it.
2, There are no Close (or) Okay button to proceed payout, so it would be great if you can add simple CLOSE /OKAY button on bottom page to close front screen.
3, If i don't want to schedule the order, i should have option to CLEAR ORDER SCHEDULE before proceed payment, Hope its already there but CLEAR BUTTON NOT VISIBLE see the screenshot.
Hope @Saurabh can give me any solution as soon as possible thank you!