Changing the IP is a huge mess!!!
We are about to reach 500 customers on the new platform. Even with this number, when we change our IP address, all the 500 websites will be down and the operation will be halted resulting in financial loss.
All these 500 websites' admin needs to be notified and they all need to login to their Cloudflare and change the IP address and wait for some time for the DNS Propagation. You see this is a hectic process.
And most importantly we cannot let our customers lose their business because of this stuff.
The main objective of this new platform is to take away your technical challenges so that you can do what you do best, the business. And we do the heavy lifting of managing the tech for you. In short, we are your Tech Partner 🙂
Coming back to the subdomain linking thing, it WORKS!!!
Here's how to do it:
On Foodomaa, when asked for the Custom Domain enter your subdomain like
Foodomaa will generate the Records that you need to insert into your Cloudflare DNS page. (two TXT records and one CNAME record)
Add the provided TXT record but Ignore the CNAME record provided in the Foodomaa Dashboard, instead add this:
This should be your CNAME if you use a subdomain as your custom domain:
Name: app
Proxy Status: OFF (DNS Only) - Very Important
TTL: Auto

(After a few minutes, the verification process will be completed, and your subdomain can be linked to Foodomaa)
Now your A record for your main domain is free to use, so on Cloudflare, you can now create an A record with this:
Type: A
Name: @
Value: {your hosting provider IP address where the main domain is hosted}
TTL: Auto