Any new CSS for customer App?
leonardoisrael20 can u please share the code to me sir
leonardoisrael20 Hi, can you do some css work for us? How do we connect?
JoelAraujoR Please could you provide the code you used to create the alert and what file should I modify, good job.
Rafa buenas tards, cual alerta? y con gusto le comparto
SERGIORODRIGUEZ How could you change the color in the "search" section on the app's home page, can you share the css with us? Thanks bro.
JoelAraujoR thanks brother, they already gave me the css, it was a "marquee"
I would like to know what css you used to group the categories like this? thanks bro.
anyone know the css to change the search color?
.mock-search-block {
background: #HEX_COLOR;
VoyagerMarketing Master, where do I have to put that code? in settings> css code or in which file? Thank you very much for your collaboration bro
Rafa in Settings -> Custom CSS and dont forget to change the 'HEX_COLOR' to your preferred color.
Rafa hi, i did it with my css code, display: grid; You can send me an email and I will help you, because honestly I do not remember the exact code, but it is in the first comertary of this milestone
leonardoisrael20 can you share with me
leonardoisrael20 obrigado por compartilha além de você me ajuda a personalizar o meu painel vc conseguiu me ajuda sobre o chat direto com o lojista .
@JoelAraujoR bro can you share the static page? or where you buy?
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Can anyone....??
alabtechnosoft link which site