Hi @Saurabh and the whole team of Foodomaa,
First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your milestone, which you guys have completed within your given date.
I have tested the new cloud version under URL: https://buymore.foodomaa.com, I have found this version quite impressive especially in your new features of Live Order screen, Item Wise Percentage, Store Type wise Percentage, Top Promo Slider, Item Attribute Upgrade, New Reports, Coupon Percentage, etc.
There are a few things that I have observed:
On Live Order Screen:
- It will be good if we can see addresses or at least delivery area in order to understand that this order needs to deliver on this area, so admin can manage their riders and deliveries more efficiently without clicking on the order detail
- Customer phone number with "href :tel" to directly call the customer
- Customer phone number href to directly move to WhatsApp chat
- Customer location button to directly look on to his location on google map
- The continuous blinking of "Just a sec" with the frozen screen is a little uncomfortable, it's better if a loading button on a corner appeared after a few seconds just to tell that it is refreshing.
The system goes on infinite loading during saving "variants and addons" to my item

Unable to see the eagle view button, not sure if it will appear on the pro version
Will we get the cloud database access to our system? As our invoicing system fetch data from database, then we print the invoices and complete our billing process.
Waiting for:
Jazz Cash integration for payment gateway
Sendpk integration for OTP SMS